Friday, May 25, 2007

Out of the Shower and onto the Screen...

Well - long overdue this is the first official blog post for me! Don't get me wrong - I have been writing a Blog for at least a year now - just doing it in my head (mostly in the shower or driving down the highway!) and never actually quite finding the time to get to making it official.

It is my hope to share random tips, trends, ideas, inspiration, favorite things/places/people/sites etc. mostly related to the wedding & honeymoon industry with whoever might be interested!!

Stay tuned along the way - who knows what will happen!

Smiles -

WEDDEX (my made up abbreviation for "Wedding Expert!" *wink*)


Kathleen said...

You are an amazing there anything you don't do?

emilie said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! Love your site.